McKenzie more recently advocated extension exercises. These limit the risk of aggravating nerve root compression via extruding a disc fragment. This program is complicated and is individualized according to the patient's symptoms. Some investigators have suggested that it offers an advantage over the Williams method. To visualize the semispinalis c… Read More

I see patients who are able to continue living active lifestyles after joint replacement, to the point that they may even forget they have an artificial joint. Dormant butt syndrome may be to blame for knee, hip and back pain. Be sure to check with your healthcare provider or physical therapist before starting any exercise program to ensure that it… Read More

It shows how critical balance, inputs, and environment are to the optimal function of the body. As a result, it doesn’t look at drugs to manipulate the body. Instead, it looks to restore the natural healthy functioning of the body by restoring flow, balance, and optimal healthy conditions for it to thrive and heal. If your phone doesn’t have Qi… Read More

You can listen to music mindfully, but that isn't really meditation. Breath in, breath out, barking dog, chattering people, cars driving by, whatever appears in the moment. The most important of these supports is regular contact with a capable teacher or other wise and centered guide. I have never achieved anything wile I tried to meditate earlier.… Read More